GPS Tracking For Dogs

The easy way to track the whereabouts of your dog is by purchasing a GPS tracking for Dogs. The GPS tracking for dogs is a safe and smart way to locate your missing pets. They can roam all they want and at the end of the day, they can still be easily located. This is made possible by the different GPS trackers that make locating missing dogs less of a hassle.

There are many kinds of GPS tracking for dogs. There is a GPS dog collar available, there is a tracking unit with an antenna and a GPS tracking for dogs with no antenna and uses no cell phone. You can actually choose form either one of them and you could get the same results—a lost pet found. These devices are very reliable and very easy to use. They also have good customer reviews.

All GPS tracking for dogs have the same mechanics of function. First is you set or program a home zone area for your pet. If the dog exceeds the limits or the boundary, you are alerted via text message or email. The mode then shifts to ‘locate mode’ and the dog is monitored by the tracking device. So will know where he is exactly at. It is a must that once you receive the alert, you contact the customer service of the GPS tracking for dogs so they can bring your dog back to you at the fastest time possible.

Here are a few kinds of the different GPS tracking for dogs. Choose from either one and have a worry free life.

  • The Pet Detective—this is manufactured by TELE PET. This uses no batteries so you are saved from the inconveniences of replacing batteries. Battery life usually lasts four to five days so replacing them is such a nuisance at times. This is equipped with a small antenna that receives the signal and alerts from the home station.
  • The ROAMeo—this doesn’t use a cell phone modem to inform you of your pet’s location. There are no monthly charges too and you can use this device anywhere on earth.
  • The ROAMeo collar—the catch of the ROAMeo devices is they can only detect the pets within one mile in all directions and as soon that the pet is located, you will be alerted because your LCD will be flashing. This tracking device can also track three pets at one time. It also displays the pet’s current location, movement and velocity of motion.
  • GARMIN ASTRO—this also doesn’t use a cell phone. The information about the location of your pet is sent to you via radio waves. It includes a wireless transmitter and a handheld GPS device with screen. You can see your dog’s movement as often as five seconds so you would be alarmed and monitored most of the time of his location. This tracking device can also track ten dogs at one time. All your pets are covered.

With all this information, there is no reason to choose not to purchase a GPS tracking device for dogs. For all the dog owners out there, it’s time to get one.

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